Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A brand new life...

Skysan Robert David Singer was born at 12:33 a.m. on October 27th, 2010. His first name his daddy made up and the two middle names are after both of his grandpas. He was 6 pounds and 8 ounces and 20 inches long.

BEST MOMENT IN MY LIFE. I can't even describe how amazing it was to hold my very own son for the first time. I felt like I was in a dream, like this couldn't possibly be my child I am holding..he couldn't have been that strange object wiggling in my tummy for 9 months.

Ok so here's the story.
I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday, and for the last month or so of my pregnancy my blood pressure was pretty high..well at that doctors appointment it ended up being the highest it had ever been and since I was already 40 weeks and 1 day they decided it was a good idea to induce me. I was a frantic mess. I knew I was going to have the baby soon obviously but I didn't know it was going to be like...NOW. Thankfully I was prepared anyway and had our bags packed and car seat ready and went to Josh's parents house to get our stuff and go to the hospital.

My dad works in Wichita so he came as soon as he got the news so it was Josh, my dad and me and my mom was on her way from Anthony. So I get checked in and go to my room and get in my gown...completely naked under there...with my dad and my husband staring at me...awkward...then Josh decided to take pictures of me!...super awkward. haha.

Anyways so they start drugging me up and I held up for a good part of the labor, I didn't want to get an epidural (don't ask me why...) but ended up getting it after a few hours of the worst pain in my life. Seriously...I knew it was going to be bad but daaaang. It hurt. lol. Josh was such a good support. I felt so bad for him because he gave me his hands to squeeze and I did not hold back...I totally made marks....and possibly bruises lol. What a good hubby :) When it was time to start pushing all I remember thinking was "holy crap I am going to push out a baby, this is really happening...holy crap, holy crap, holy crap!" When they laid him on my chest all I could do was just stare at him and cry. He was so unbelievably beautiful. And he was all mine! I just couldn't believe it.

We had to stay in the hospital until Friday to make sure his blood work came back ok and it did! We got a beautiful healthy baby :).

Our first diaper changing didn't go as well as I planned...I got poopy on my hand and freaked out a little lol. It still makes me nervous to change his diaper because I hate to hear him cry. He doesn't cry all the time but when he does it just breaks my heart.

When we came home Friday night we were welcomed by tons of balloons tied to our front and back door that my grandparents put up. We got about 30 minutes settled in and my parents came over and then my sister in law and her brother came over to see our little buddy. I was soooo tired and a little uncomfortable from the ride home.

My awesome mom took a week off of work to be with me for this first week home and I am soooo thankful. Monday when she came our house looked like a disaster! And we didn't have any food in the house lol I got to take a long hot shower while she cleaned up a little and then we went grocery shopping and planned out meals for the next 2 weeks. Busy busy! But I was so glad to have things in place and back to normalish. Today my grandma and brothers came by for lunch, Marc was sweet enough to bring baked potato pizza and bread treats from Kristy's! Yum! It was so good to see Kenny for a little bit. I think seeing Skysan made him wanna make a little one of his own :)

A few highlights of Skysan's first days of life would be:

His first walk, daddy was super psyched to test drive his new ride :)

His first Halloween costume that his Papa picked out...waaay too big for him lol

His first bath...after he pooped, peed, and spit up on himself pretty much all at one time lol

His first experience dressing up to be a burrito to get his mommy a cheap burrito at Chipotle on Halloween :)

Getting to try out his crib at his Yaya's. This was Josh's crib when he was a baby

His uncle Kenny coming to visit him

This is just one of my favorite pictures. Josh is such a good daddy :) It is just so heart warming to see him with our son!
That is all for now!
With love,

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